December 31, 2011

New Bracelets... I know that is all I do..

Well I was up late with the Baby again on my days off and decided to put some new cordage that I got over Christmas to good use.  I made a Bonobo bracelet with navy blue and a coyote tan I believe..  It looks really nice.  Ten I took some 1/8 inch braided cord that I bought and made a Solomon bar bracelet but I used 4 strands for the core and then the working ends.  It is a lot thinner than the paracord bracelets and is really tight. I love the look, but the cord is not as strong as paracord.  Still though I know it is at least 100 lb test and will be great material for survival.  there is almost 10 ft in this one little bracelet.  Well here they are.  Headed to the Sand Dunes in 2 days so I hope to post pictures and even Videos of that.

December 18, 2011

Lanyard for my sister

Well my sister wanted a neck lanyard for some reason so I made her one out of a crown sinnet and a long cobra knot.

December 9, 2011

Chilean Corvo

Well I just wanted to split up the two last posts because the last one was about the fid.  This one is about what I did with the fid.  This is a picture of a Chilean Corvo.  I forgot to take a before picture of mine that I received as a gift before leaving one of my favorite areas, so here is a random on from the web.

Now I wanted to wrap the handle in paracord and make it more of my own so I decided to put a long turks head knot on the handle.  It is a tedious process when you are still learning...  Also a little trial and error occurred, but I finally got it.  It took 3 strands of paracord wrapped around.  If you have not seen the many variations of the Turks head knot google it, it is amazing what you can do, if you have the patience.  Here are the pictures.

Fid... No lie

Well,  it has been a little bit since I posted..  I haven't been doing nothing, just not posting.  I decided that I wanted to try to tie some Turks head knots.  They are complicated and look sweet.  I watched a few videos and found that I would need a needle or "fid" to help in this task.  So I made one out of a .17 cal gun cleaning rod in my cleaning kit that I don't use because I don't own a .17 cal gun...  The Gun Rod was ideal because the paracord screws into the end and that way it remains secure in the fid.  Here are the pics.  I have taken it back to the grinder and cleaned it up a little more after using it now..  But it works great.

November 27, 2011


My little sisters, who came for thanksgiving with my parents. (duh)  they saw my bracelets that I have made and wanted their own.  Here they are, all done.  Took the pictures with my phone so they are a little fuzzy.

November 11, 2011

Kitty collar for ashtyn.

My niece ashtyn wanted a bracelet so I made her a stitched soloman bar bracelet for her, but somehow it ended up being just the right size to fit on the neck of one of her ceramic cats, so she wanted a leash to go with it.  Here are the pictures.

November 9, 2011

Donating platelets..

Well I thought since I am sitting around for a couple hours I would post about my latest bracelet. 
I got my plastic buckles and decided to make a is neat because it uses 2, 5 foot pieces of paracord that aren't fused together but you get both colors showing.

November 1, 2011

Late night fun...

Well I was up last night, not able to sleep so I got on youtube and found a new survival bracelet to make and it turned out pretty good.  Now I just need all my buckles here that I ordered so I dont have to use a loop to secure it.  Learned this on

October 30, 2011

Mobile blogging

Wow, I didn't know that you could blog from your phone.  This is going to be fun.  Here are a couple pictures of the rifle slings I have made out of paracord

My first Post......

Well since I am up Really late right now with my Baby Girl, who is asleep, but I can't seem to fall asleep now, I figured that I would start a Blog.  That way I can track all my Current Projects and Adventures.  Maybe I will be more motivated to take pictures and finish some of the projects that I have started.

I will be documenting my Paracord activities, I have been learning new techniques and knots for new Survival Bracelets, Gun Slings and Key Fobs.  I really enjoy the learning aspect of Paracord.  There are so many uses and Everything that I make can come in handy in an emergency situation if taken apart...

Also I hope to be riding my dirt bike more often than recently... Which is not at all...  I will be taking pictures of rides and places that I go.  Also I hope to Go hunting Feral Pigs and scouting on the bike.  So, lots of things to talk about and document.  I hope that I can just remember to type it all down on here.