November 27, 2011


My little sisters, who came for thanksgiving with my parents. (duh)  they saw my bracelets that I have made and wanted their own.  Here they are, all done.  Took the pictures with my phone so they are a little fuzzy.

November 11, 2011

Kitty collar for ashtyn.

My niece ashtyn wanted a bracelet so I made her a stitched soloman bar bracelet for her, but somehow it ended up being just the right size to fit on the neck of one of her ceramic cats, so she wanted a leash to go with it.  Here are the pictures.

November 9, 2011

Donating platelets..

Well I thought since I am sitting around for a couple hours I would post about my latest bracelet. 
I got my plastic buckles and decided to make a is neat because it uses 2, 5 foot pieces of paracord that aren't fused together but you get both colors showing.

November 1, 2011

Late night fun...

Well I was up last night, not able to sleep so I got on youtube and found a new survival bracelet to make and it turned out pretty good.  Now I just need all my buckles here that I ordered so I dont have to use a loop to secure it.  Learned this on