October 30, 2011

Mobile blogging

Wow, I didn't know that you could blog from your phone.  This is going to be fun.  Here are a couple pictures of the rifle slings I have made out of paracord

My first Post......

Well since I am up Really late right now with my Baby Girl, who is asleep, but I can't seem to fall asleep now, I figured that I would start a Blog.  That way I can track all my Current Projects and Adventures.  Maybe I will be more motivated to take pictures and finish some of the projects that I have started.

I will be documenting my Paracord activities, I have been learning new techniques and knots for new Survival Bracelets, Gun Slings and Key Fobs.  I really enjoy the learning aspect of Paracord.  There are so many uses and Everything that I make can come in handy in an emergency situation if taken apart...

Also I hope to be riding my dirt bike more often than recently... Which is not at all...  I will be taking pictures of rides and places that I go.  Also I hope to Go hunting Feral Pigs and scouting on the bike.  So, lots of things to talk about and document.  I hope that I can just remember to type it all down on here.